A Walk On The Beach In 12 Photos + Poem (Not Mine!) |


Up on Skye the weather changes from minute to minute. We've had wild winds, rain and low mist interspersed with momentary heart-lifting sunny breakthroughs. Lovely rays lit up the pebble and sand beach down by the house while the waves crashed up over the rocks – the noise and strong wind creating an indescribable sense of smallness and excitement tinged with terror. This was one of my first proper photo walks in a while, my treasured digital Leica X1 (secondhand off eBay in case you're wondering, half price but still pretty costly) in hand, totally absorbed in everything that surrounded me. The outfit is made up of items all of which you'll have seen here before. But just in case, the duffle coat and sweater are Topshop, the jeans are Zara, the beanie is Brora and the wristies by Boohoo.

ps. If you're a Leica fan you should check out this ode to her new Leica M-E by Guardian photographer Sarah Lee – most enjoyable and affirms everything you ever suspected about owning a super duper proper Leica.  

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