PaperSelf Lashes As Seen In The Hunger Games |


PaperSelf deer and butterfly lashes (worn by Katniss)
PaperSelf deer and butterfly lashes (worn by Katniss)

PaperSelf peacock lashes (worn by stylist Effie Trinket)
PaperSelf peacock lashes (worn by stylist Effie Trinket)

These gorgeous Chinese paper-cutting inspired lashes from PaperSelf (launched 2009 by London based designer Chunwei Liao) are seen on both Hunger Games’ heroine Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and the crazy stylist Effie Trinket as played by the wonderful Elizabeth Banks. I always think lashes like these are too beautiful to wear and am just happy to gaze upon them (though the truth is I’m really not that much of a beauty junkie and having never applied lashes in my life wouldn’t know where to begin!). So basically just happy to gaze upon such delicately beautiful creations. You can buy these little works of art from Paperself’s online store or from various places like Harvey Nichols and the V & A museum shop. (£12.50)
ps. The film is great, but seriously, read the books!

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