South Place Hotel Opens in East London |


south place hotel london

The first luxury hotel from restaurant group D&D (formerly Conran Restaurants) opens this week just minutes from Liverpool Street station in the City. The gorgeous interiors are by Conran + Partners, there are bespoke artworks in each of the 80 rooms and the lobby is home to a sculpture by Royal College of Art MA graduate Zemer Peled, winner of South Place's annual art competition. There's a secret garden atrium bar on the first floor and on the ground floor '3 South Place', a diner-by day/late-night bar with DJs (food served until 10.30pm) and a team that includes Glasgow DJ/mixologist Teamy Teamy and former Shoreditch House cocktail bar manager Nathan Dixon-Jones. I can't wait to pop down and see it for myself.

south place hotel london
south place hotel london

Images: South Place Hotel

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