#LFW - Mini Show Report - FelderFelder AW13 |


#LFW - Mini Show Report - FelderFelder AW13
I thought I'd set myself the challenge of doing a series of mini show reports on my favourite shows with the criteria of choosing just four looks – the looks that stood out to me the most but also the ones which I feel defined the show. So here goes. FelderFelder AW13 feels much more evolved than previous collections; grown up in the sense of exploring and breaking new ground. The FelderFelder black body-hugging rock chick staples still underpin the collection (flared mini-skirts and cigarette pants) but there are some exciting new elements – fresh new colours, trench coats. tailoring and a dreamlike princess dress in flowing silver (LOVE) . The breathtaking show closer was two gigantic Mongolian furs in grey and white, belted and beautiful. No wonder the Felder twins were so gleeful at their end-of-show appearance, they're taking things to the next level. Watch the show below and tell me what you think. (NB – red lips throughout.)

#LFW - Mini Show Report - FelderFelder AW13

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