Stylon Shortcuts: Got Your Print Pants At The Ready? |


Current/Elliot tie dye-print skinny jeans

Current/Elliot tie dye-print skinny jeans

Miu Miu star print skinny jeans
Miu Miu star print skinny jeans

Topshop Moto Stripe Jamie Jeans
Topshop Moto stripe Jamie jeans

Loathe as I am to say it, it was my darling BF who, OVER TWO YEARS AGO, said to me "You should know that prints on jeans are going to be the next big thing" – or words to that effect, after chatting with a fashion designer pal. And, to my shame, I thought to myself Hmmmm, doubt it. But here we are, SS12, and print denim is flying round the fashion-verse left, right and centre. And OMG, there are some amazing ones around. Just keep the rest of it super simple with white or black on top.

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