Stylon Shortcuts: Tie-Dye To Die For |


Isabel Marant - Weez embellished tie-dye denim jacket / Wonda tie-dye cotton jacket

Isabel Marant - Weez embellished tie-dye denim jacket / Wonda tie-dye cotton jacket

Raquel Allegra - sheer tie-dye silk tank / tie-dye silk and linen playsuit

Raquel Allegra - sheer tie-dye silk tank / tie-dye silk and linen playsuit

What do you get when you mix the current fash-pack love affair for all things French with summertime hippy festie vibes? Why, tie-dye Isabel Marant, of course (both jackets are sold out, but at over a grand a piece we were talking dreamtime anyway – highstreet versions soon, please). Or if you're more of a California hippy chick, then LA label Raquel Allegra might be more your thing. Either way, take inspiration from these gorgeous pieces and go forth and love. Highstreet tie-dye post forthcoming.

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