Teapot Vintage Grandpa Knits, Tea Dresses and Rad Boxy Blazers |


Vintage purple striped dress / Vintage lilac pleat skirt dress

Vintage purple striped dress / Vintage lilac pleat skirt dress

Teapot Vintage – a Manchester-based vintage store with a great website and clothes priced oh so nice, starting at £15 – popped into my inbox yesterday and was just the perfect place to while away a little more time under the duvet until the sun decided to come out. Why is the site so good? Excellent selection of clothes aside, you can choose items by size, the size and height of the model is given in the item description which is super helpful, they have a no quibble returns policy (no handling fee if within 7 days) and they have a extremely cute canvas shopper too. Unfortunately the boxy blazers are both sold out, but just had to post as love the look so much.

Vintage zig zag jumper / Vintage knitted jumper
Vintage zig zag jumper / Vintage knitted jumper
Vintage tweed jacket / Vintage tweed style jacket (both sold out sadly)
Vintage tweed jacket / Vintage tweed style jacket (both sold out sadly)
Teapot Vintage canvas shopper
Teapot Vintage canvas shopper

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