Love Flowers: Oriole & Thistle and Wild At Heart |


Nikki Tibbles Wild At Heart
Flowers by Nikki Tibbles Wild At Heart  
I've been the lucky recipient of some of the most wonderful flowers recently. A lavish bouquet of garden roses from Nikki Tibbles Wild At Heart (the florist at Liberty's) and a beautifully fresh and wild posy of freesias, veronicas, lisianthus and larkspur from Hackney's own boutique florist and small art gallery Oriole & Thistle run by Elaine Waldron. Just perfect for the most romantic of occasions – including weddings! Love flowers and love photographing them.

Oriole & Thistle white freesia bouquet
White freesia bouquet by Oriole & Thistle
Nikki Tibbles Wild At Heart garden rose bouquet
Garden rose bouquet by Nikki Tibble Wild At Heart

Oriole & Thistle white freesia bouquet
White freesia bouquet by Oriole & Thistle

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