Happy Easter - 52 - Weekly Portrait Challenge - Anyone, Anywhere - #1 |


52 - A Weekly Portrait - Anyone, Anywhere - #1
I love the idea of a weekly portrait – the challenge, the results, the consistency. You can't help but learn along the way. And I want to keep the standards high. The challenge part is that I find doing anything on a regular basis difficult, I always wander off topic. The idea is that in the true vein of ego-blogging, the photos will be mainly self portraits, but occasionally I may take advantage of the little one (of whom I take a ridiculous amount of snaps), the extremely reluctant husband or a friend. So basically like the 52 Project but with wider criteria. So this is my first. Do you do a regular portrait? If so, leave me a link in the comments below, I'll be sure to come and check it out. And if you want to join in the fun, feel free to grab my button below.

52 - A Weekly Portrait - Anyone, Anywhere...

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  1. Love this idea, then you can look at the images all together at the end of the year and see how you've changed! It's not the same thing but I've been meaning to do a "photo each hour" on instagram to document my day, maybe I'll do that soon! xx


  2. Exactly! Will be so nice to have a body of portraits :) Wow, a photo an hour, discipline will be needed! A great idea - look forward to seeing the results. xx


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