Colour Me Coral - Dielle Nail Polish |


Aged Coral - Dielle Nail Polish
Quick-drying, a dream to apply and a beautifully intense spring colour from UK brand Dielle. This lovely Aged Coral was sent to me to try and it's one of the most successful self-applications of nail polish I've had in a while. Partly down to the brush which slid the polish on so easily and neatly and the reasonably fast drying – I have no patience for drying and usually end up nicking or smudging and ruining the overall look. But not this time! Even better, Dielle lacquers are free of toxic ingredients (specifically Toluene, Formaldehyde, DBP, Camphor, & Pthalic Acid) and are not animal tested. The owner Rosalie is also committed to creating positive change in Haiti (she lived in Port-au-Prince for 12 years) and donates proceeds from the business to projects and campaigns related to helping women and children. Overall, pretty impressive and an excellent product. £12 a bottle – check out the Dielle range of colours here

Aged Coral - Dielle Nail Polish

Aged Coral - Dielle Nail Polish

Aged Coral - Dielle Nail Polish

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