How To Make Smoked Mackerel Pâté |


How To Make Smoked Mackerel Pâté

It's not very often I do a recipe as I'm not much of a cook, but this is so simple it's ridiculous. And so tasty! I used to make this at a lovely little café I worked in while studying in Edinburgh for the delicious open sandwiches they served. You can add horseradish and dill, but I've kept this as stripped back as possible. Three smoked mackerel fillets, half a tub of cream cheese, half a lemon and salt and pepper. Take the skins off the mackerel, chop it up into little pieces and then pop in a bowel. Add the cream cheese and lemon, salt and pepper and with a fork just mash it up. And there you have it. I love mine on toast and rice cakes.
How To Make Smoked Mackerel Pâté

How To Make Smoked Mackerel Pâté

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