Sunday Morning Seasonal Transitioning + Trench Coat |


Sunday Morning Seasonal Transitioning + Trench Coat
All Saints Trench (similar here), old Topshop silk shirt, New Look Petite jeans,
Sam Edelman Petty boots (on sale in leopard)
Early Sunday morning light streaming through the windows warms my heart and confirms hopes that spring is finally on the way. And the growing urge to pack away the winter duffle for good (over-eager jumping the gun two Sundays in a row has direly resulted in the misery of frozen bones) opens the door for the perfect seasonal transitional garment, the trench coat. An easy style addition and the rest of the outfit can be super simple. Light denim, silky short-sleeved shirt and bare ankles complete the look. What are you wearing now that the sun is out?

Sunday Morning Seasonal Transitioning + Trench Coat
Sunday Morning Seasonal Transitioning + Trench Coat
 I saw this cute camera blog post idea over at Abi Marvel and love it! Here's my take below.

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  1. Anonymous3.4.13

    I love the trench! I agree, it's the perfect transition piece. Now, enough of all this coat talk, let's talk about that gorgeous BABY!!!

    1. Ah, yes :) the little cookie. Yep, we've fallen hook, line and sinker... xx


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