#LFW - A Visit To The Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store |


#LFW - Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store

I really did mean to try and get these photos up earlier as yesterday was the last day of the Maison Triumph pop up. Official supplier of lingerie for London Fashion Week, Triumph (celebrating their 127th year) put on a lovely exhibition, talks by Caryn Franklin and Ruby Hammer among others, commissioned some beautiful designer collaboration pieces, including Matthew Williamson, FelderFelder and Louise Gray and had Helena Christensen there with her Triumph lingerie line. All very bijoux and gorgeous on one of my favourite Covent Garden streets – Monmouth Street, home to Poste Mistress and Tatty Devine among other many splendid little boutiques.

#LFW - Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store

#LFW - Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store

#LFW - Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store

#LFW - Maison Triumph Pop Up Exhibition & Store

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