Outfit Planning - London Fashion Week - For Day 1 |


Outfit Planning - London Fashion Week - Day 1
It's pretty intimidating figuring out what to wear to fashion week – street style has rocketed so high into the stratosphere that the very thought of being on the same pavement as the myriad style star editors, models, stylists, photographers and, of course, bloggers is enough to bring you out in a cold sweat. This year I'm lucky enough to be doing just a tiny bit of fashion week and though it's only a toe-dip (two shows – FelderFelder tomorrow and Christopher Kane on Monday) I do want to feel good on the outfit front. So here's today's outfit prep. Rocking the monochrome trend with this fabulous oversized cardigan By Malene Birger, going a bit casual and spring-like with Free People daisy denim and proudly sporting two of my most cherished leather items, a Sophie Hulme satchel and Sam Edelman Petty booties (both excellent sale purchases I must add :)) and jewellery by my new favourite Portuguese Heart. So wish me luck and check back in over the weekend for some fashion show snaps. 

ps. Happy Valentine's Day! I'm writing this in a rush as, shock horror, we are actually going out for a meal tonight. And I'm wearing a new dress! Oh, the excitement... 

Outfit Planning - London Fashion Week - Day 1
Outfit Planning - London Fashion Week - Day 1
Outfit Planning - London Fashion Week - Day 1

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  1. I really need to start planning my outfits rather than throwing things on in a panic last minute then regretting my choices! This outfit looks lovely xx


  2. One outfit is about all I can manage ;) Couldn't cope if I was going in every day! xx


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