DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown |


DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

Frieda Kahlo, fiestas, festivals, flower power – I've been thinking about flower crowns a lot recently...

Feeling incredibly inspired by the floral crowns by Crown & Glory and, more recently Chido Bueno, I've earmarked at least two for my summer shopping list. But arriving this week to a glorious Portuguese spring blooming with wildflowers, it seemed crazy not to try making one myself. And it turned out to be super easy. Basic supplies, after the flowers, are wire, masking tape, wire cutters and scissors.

1. Fashion a circle out of the wire to fit your head. I looped my thinnish wire around three times and then wrapped a length of raffia around it.
2. Leave about a two inch stalk on the bloom and then tape it on with masking or gaffer tape, wrapping in a few more as you go. I just barged ahead, little planning, and very messy. All I did was make sure that the side I wanted facing upwards had the flowers positioned towards it – if that makes sense. See below showing the front and the back.
3. I kept going until just over half the circle was covered and there was enough floral foliage to reach my ears. Et voila!

What do you think? Do you like the result? Any tips for making it better? I think I'm going to make another one all in yellow next! I sprayed this one with water and hung it upside down outside over night and it has life for another day.

DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

DIY Tutorial: How To Make a Wildflower Crown

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  1. great tutorial! And it looks super cute on you too :) xx

    1. Thankyou! It's the single most springy thing I've done this year! xx

  2. Love this post I have nominated you for the best fashion blog newcomer- good luck :)
    Style With Friends

    1. Hey - thankyou, glad you like it! It's my first time doing a DIY post! And thankyou so much for the vote - much much appreciated! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. I *love* this DIY and the crown looks amazing! I've been meaning to do one myself and you've given me the boost to do it. Ann x

    1. I'm so glad! It's such an easy thing to do, with such great results! Glad to have inspired!! :) x

  4. How Pretty! I wish I lived near a field where I could pick wildflowers for this!!

    1. I don't usually have access to such an amazing variety! It's blissful to be on holiday! :)

  5. So pretty! Lovely pictures and a great tutorial!

    1. Thankyou! It's great fun doing a DIY post, will definitely do more!

  6. This is such a beautiful tutorial! My friend recently made a similar one and it looked stunning on her, as well as you, so I think this is a pretty wearable look for most anyone! x

    1. Yes! It really is the easiest thing to do with such great results! And you're right, I think it can totally worksfor everyone! x


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