Stylonylon Shortlisted for Company Style Blog Awards 2013 - Vote Me! |


Stylonylon Shortlisted for Company Style Blog Awards 2013 - Vote For Me!
Woah! Stylonylon has been shortlisted for the Company Style Blog Awards 2013. So a big thank you to all of you who nominated me. It's fantastic to get recognition for something that has become such a big and all-consuming part of my life. The next step is to gather votes to win! So if you enjoy the blog, then it would be outta this world if you could vote for me – I'm in the Best Fashion Blog Newcomer section. Just click Next until you reach category 6, click the button beside my name, and then click Next until you reach the Submit page! Once again, many thanks for the support. And to show my appreciation I have a giveaway in the works, which will hopefully come together in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled!

Vote Stylonylon for Best Fashion Blog - Newcomer here

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