Are You On Stylight? |


I know, I know, another online fashion community...

But I thought I should give you a little heads-up on this one as it's a really fun way to create outfit moodboards and it's been quickly embraced by the fashion blogging community – including well known bloggers like WishWishWish, DariaDaria and Thank Fifi. Plus, just look at the baker-themed team photo! Having first seen Stylight mentioned on WishWishWish, I'd had checking it out on my to-do list for a while, but it wasn't until Stylight got in touch asking me if I'd like to review the site that I actually gave it a go. Set up by four Munich university friends (who came up with the idea in a living room – all guys, funnily enough) Stylight's interface functions extremely well and pretty much from the word go you can get creating outfit boards. And it's not just photos (including Instagram) and clothes, you can add video, music and quotes - making your inspiration motifs pretty comprehensive. There are tonnes of brands in the clothing section, so as a search platform it's pretty easy to find the product you want for your board, and music is similarly searchable pulling up results from Soundcloud, Spotify and more. I really love the quote option, as finding or creating the perfect summation of your board's feeling is always fun, leading you down all sorts of pathways. You could also use this as a message board for viewers, I'm thinking. Plus there's a magazine section featuring lots of favourite bloggers. Perfect for Pinterest lovers and moodboard addicts. Give it a go. Start by following my Stylight boards. :)

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  1. this looks like fun! i checked out the website and unfortunately its not launched in australia yet :( xx


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