Georgia Hardinge For River Island Has Landed - It's Amazing! |


Georgia Hardinge For River Island Launches Today

So excited to finally see the Georgia Hardinge collection for River Island's Design Forum – it's just gone live today...

The architectural monochrome print is so eye-catching and GH through and through – I wore a similar body-con print by Georgia and got compliment after compliment. I'm loving the leggings and maxi dress and the sculpted pleat trim dress and skirt is bound to be super flattering on the waist. There are more pieces on the River Island website, including an amazing maxi skirt and pleat trim crop shop. And nothing is over £60 – I'd get there quick as sizes are already selling out!

Update: And check out the spookily spine-chilling video below, screened at LFW.

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  1. Such a beautiful collection <3 <3


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