Outfit Post - Mixing Monochrome With Hot Pink Floral |


Down on the marshes the sun was ablaze, forcefully breaking through the bitterness...

A too-big oversized cardigan fought off the worst of the winds, boy, it was windy, and 3D pink flowers picked out the hazy pinks of the brush. I felt like we were on top of a mountain, gales ripping around us, head all mussed up inside. Old favourites – half leggings, half jeans – and new, gold earrings glinting in the sun, pointy black heels and hot pink 3D floral (a little bit Christopher Kane AW13, but actually Boohoo) in over-exposed light. And a little more saturated when the sun disappeared behind a cloud. Photos by China.

I am wearing: Cardigan - By Malene Birger from mywardobe.comPink sweater - Boohoo,  Jeans - Won Hundred Pointed courts - Next / Earrings - Portuguese Heart

Outfit Post - More Monochrome + Hot Pink Floral

Outfit Post - More Monochrome + Hot Pink Floral
Outfit Post - More Monochrome + Hot Pink FloralOutfit Post - More Monochrome + Hot Pink Floral

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  1. Love the touch of vintage in the pics - looks as if they were shot in the 70s! You look fab!


  2. Thanks Edita! Yes, very soft focus look to them. Amazing light in a big open space. Xx

  3. Anonymous2.4.13

    Gorgeous photographs! Especially the last one. I hardly ever wear bright colors but when I do it's usually like this, as a pop of color.

    1. Thanks Melissa! :) Yes, the minute the sun comes out I head for the nearest bright thing in my wardrobe! xx

  4. Lovely outfit! :) XO


    Enter my giveaway here

  5. Hey sweetie jsut came across your blog and really like it :) Great outfit and that pink fluff thing? Genius :D WOuld you like to follow each other?


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